About our rebate program

Electrify Your Home is a new initiative from the City of Ballarat designed to increase your home comfort and reduce your energy bills. 

This initiative unites expertise and innovative programs to empower our community to transition to more cost effective, cleaner living. A key to this initiative is bringing Geelong Sustainability’s high successful Electric Homes Program to Ballarat.  Developed by Geelong Sustainability, the Electric Homes Program connects residents with trusted businesses by offering quality products and services, including the purchase and installation of: 

  • Solar systems 
  • Battery systems 
  • Heating and cooling split systems 
  • Hot water heat pumps 
  • Draught proofing 
  • Home insulation 
  • Home energy audits 

To further support Ballarat residents with reducing their cost of living, the City of Ballarat will offer rebates to those who take action to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. 

How to Apply

Application Process

1. Check the Eligibility Criteria

Review the eligibility criteria, guidelines, and terms and conditions. Applications must be submitted between 16 March 2025 and 16 September 2025.


2. Purchase and Install (where applicable) the Rebate Item

Purchase and install (where applicable) your item from a provider or installer. Ensure it meets the eligibility criteria.


3. Submit an Application Form

Complete the online application form on the City of Ballarat Rebately website and attach all required supporting documents. (One application per household, per rebate item excluding Human Comfort, with one per resident).


4. Receive your Rebate

If your application is approved, you will receive the rebate via electronic bank transfer. Notification will be sent via email within 30 days of approval.

Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions apply to the Electrify Your Home Ballarat Initiative rebates.

Applicants participate in the City of Ballarat Rebates Program of their own volition and at their own risk.

To apply for a rebate, residents must complete an online application form viaRebately and read through the terms and conditions of this program.

By submitting an application for a rebate, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If your application does not comply with these terms and conditions, it will not be valid and will not be accepted or assessed.

It is important to read these terms and conditions in conjunction with any relevant information provided by City of Ballarat in relation to the Electrify Your Home Ballarat Initiative rebates.

The City of Ballarat reserves the right to make changes to the Electrify Your Home Ballarat rebates terms and conditions or to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Electrify Your Home Ballarat Initiative rebate at any time.

Rebate items which require installation must remain installed at the applicant property for at least five years. The application must be completed as required in the Rebately application form. This includes all mandatory attachments.

Rebate Payment 

The City of Ballarat will review each application to determine eligibility for a rebate. Successful applications will be reimbursed.

  • Payment of successful rebate applications will be made via electronic transfer to the applicant’s nominated bank account. Payment will be made within 30 days of notification of a successful application.
  • Rebates will be prioritised by the date the application is submitted. 
  • Once funding for the City of Ballarat Rebates Program is exhausted, the City of Ballarat will not provide any further rebates.

Payment of a rebate is not guaranteed and is subject to the approval process and is only confirmed once final approval has been granted.

If an applicant is found to have breached these guidelines in the first 24 months after the application was approved, then the applicant must repay the rebate and cannot submit any further applications for that property or under their name.  

The rebate amount cannot exceed 50% of the cost paid by the applicant for the sustainable product. If this does occur, the sustainability rebate will be matched to 50% of the cost paid by the applicant for the sustainable product (as shown on the final invoice) .

Maximum Rebate 

The maximum rebate is the total financial amount that an applicant property can receive from the Electrify Your Home Ballarat Initiative. 

Applicant properties can receive multiple rebates up until the maximum rebate has been reached. The maximum rebate is $5,000.

Warranties and Faulty Products 

The applicant acknowledges and agrees that the City of Ballarat accepts no liability in respect of any claim, cause of action or loss or damage arising out of, or in relation to any sustainable product procured under the rebate program, or the consumption or use of any electricity or water that is the subject of the rebate item.

Any issues which occur due to the purchasing of any rebate item must be resolved between the applicant and the provider of the rebate item based on the advertised warranties and standard service provisions of the rebate items involved.

All rebate items must be provided and/or installed by licenced professionals. 

The applicant is solely responsible for ensuring that the rebate items are maintained in a working condition.

Data and Reporting 

The City of Ballarat partners with Rebately Pty Ltd, a managed service provider, to administer the rebate program. The City of Ballarat will only share applicant information with Rebately for the purpose of processing, evaluating, and awarding rebates. No other organisations will receive applicant information.

By submitting an application, applicants consent to the use of their personal information for evaluating eligibility for a rebate.

Applicants also agree to the collection of data regarding the products for which rebates are granted. This data will be used for reporting and assessing the performance of the City of Ballarat's rebate program. Any data shared will be anonymised, ensuring no personal or identifying information is included in the reports.

All information held by the City of Ballarat will be stored in the City’s electronic records management system, and will comply with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, and other related legislation. You may request access to and correction of this information. For more details, please refer to the  Privacy Policy or contact 5320 5500.

The City of Ballarat does not store financial data but may retain survey responses and contact information for the purpose of gathering feedback on the program.

Rebately is committed to securely handling and protecting all personal information collected as part of the rebate program, in line with their Privacy Policy. For more information on how your data is managed, please refer to Rebately's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Any estimated savings related to financial, energy, water, or greenhouse gas emissions provided as part of the sustainability rebates program are based on industry averages. These figures serve only as general guides and may not apply to each individual property. For more accurate information on the benefits of specific rebate items, applicants should consult their provider.

If any case studies related to the program are created by the Council, permission from the applicant will be sought before disclosing any property-specific details or identifying information.

The City of Ballarat will not disclose applicant information to any third parties, except as required for the direct administration, assessment, and awarding of grants and rebates.

Finally, applicant details will not be made available to the public as part of public records for rebate programs.

On-Site verification 

Council reserves the right to undertake on-site verifications for some of the rebate items implemented in the community. 

During an on-site verification, a Council officer will enter an applicant property to verify that a rebate item has been installed in accordance with its relevant eligibility criteria. 

A suitable time for an on-site verification will be arranged with applicants before the visit. All applicants of the sustainability rebates program must agree to give permission for Council staff to enter the applicant property for the purpose of an on-site verification. 

Electrify Your Home Ballarat Rebate Budget 

New applications for rebates will not be accepted once the program budget has been expended or the rebate time period has lapsed. 

Notification that the program budget has been reached will be listed on Council’s website and Rebately. 

City of Ballarat Staff Applications 

City of Ballarat staff are eligible to receive sustainability rebates if they meet the eligibility criteria as per the Eligibility Criteria and Terms and Conditions. 

Applicants who are also City of Ballarat staff will be required to disclose this in their application. 

Applicants who are also City of Ballarat staff cannot be involved in the assessment of their application. 

Dispute Resolution 

Council, initiative partners, applicants and sustainable product providers will attempt in good faith to resolve via negotiations any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to the sustainable rebates, terms and conditions and eligibility criteria. 

Disposal of Old Products 

Old products such as used hot water systems should be disposed of responsibly by either the sustainable product installer or the applicant.


Glossary of Terms


The agreement engaging in the program, comprising the application form, these guidelines and the terms and conditions.


The legal entity being the owner, landlord, tenant, or strata committee who submits the application and includes agents.

Application Attachments

The documentation to be attached to the application as outlined for each sustainable product.

Application Form

The submission by an applicant to take part in the program. This includes the application via Rebately, as specified.

Block (common area)

The common area of an apartment building.

Certificate of Compliance

A document provided by a Regulator certifying that work has been performed in accordance with a relevant regulation, standard or guidance.

City of Ballarat Municipal Area

The municipal boundary of the City of Ballarat can be found here.  

Clean Energy Council F(CEC)

The peak body for the clean energy industry in Australia.

Commonwealth Concession Card Holder

An individual who has a Commonwealth-issued Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.

Development Approval

The process of acquiring the necessary consents to proceed with development of land, buildings and infrastructure.


The transition from fuel burning appliances to all-electric or solar powered appliances.

Eligibility Criteria

All and any criteria set out in the terms and conditions and are included in the rebate guidelines.

Energy Efficiency

The use of less energy to perform the same task or produce the same result. 

Energy Efficient

Above average energy efficiency compared to equivalent equipment available. 


A detached or semi-detached dwelling.


A new or uncommon technology, or a new application of a proven technology.

Maximum Rebate

The maximum rebate each site can be granted, being $5,000 per property per financial year. 

National Meter Identifier (NMI)

A unique 10 or 11-digit number used to identify every electricity network connection point in Australia.

Rebate Approval Date

The date on which Council notifies you that you have been granted rebate approval in response to your application.

Rebate Approval

An approval issued by Council in response to the final claim application, which in essence grants the applicant eligibility for a rebate.


The property nominated within the application to have the sustainability product installed.

Unit (lot)

The lot area of an apartment building.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about how to claim a rebate contact Rebately via email or click the chat bot bottom right.

For more general questions about Council rebates you can contact the City of Ballarat via email.

Eligbility of each rebate is explained within the rebate offers themselves, so be sure to review them first.